Natalie turned 1 on October 2, it is such a joy to watch her grow each day! She now says, "dada", "this", "yes". and the occasional "papa". But I am still waiting for "mama"... She has ventured to take a couple steps at a time away from the table and into my arms (or grandma's) but hasn't gotten up the confidence to keep going. She loves to eat most everything, although doesn't seem to like olives or plain cheese.
Caleb is really seeming to be more of a big boy every day! About three weeks ago he decided he was ready to be potty trained and it only took one day with just two accidents. For the most part, he does very well all day long, even during nap, and only needs a diaper at night. It has been so nice to have just one in diapers, even if for just a few months. :) He has started to ask the "why" question and often asks "what this?". I am amazed by what he is able to remember and all of the sentences he puts together. Right now we are working on saying "I" in place of "me". He has really started to form opinions and assert his preferences too. One day he told Jason and me that he does not want another sister and said "sister go bye-bye, have a brother." Fits are also a regular occurance these days if we tell him "no". I have a feeling that three may be a little more challenging than two because of this!
Here is a picture of Nattie on her birthday, she has been cutting her molars and I think they were really bothering her the night of her party. She cried all the way through everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her.
She was a little happier when we put a cupcake in front of her!

Caleb got some new shades from a trip to get his flu shot at the doctor's office, and his second cousin, Alex, gave him a sweet superman cape. He wore both around for two days strait! Here he is enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon in the backyard.