Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have been such a blog slacker! The last few months have just seemed to be wild and crazy, and maybe I can blame a little bit of it on being pregnant and chasing after two little ones. But regardless, here is an update of the last couple months...We had a great Halloween, Caleb was a dragon and Natalie was a flower. This was the first year Caleb was really into going up to the door and saying "Trick or Treat!". We still have most of his candy bucket left, he isn't much of a candy guy. Thanksgiving was wonderful, we had all of the close relatives over to our house, I think it totalled 13 people. Jason and I tag teamed a 24lb turkey on the Traeger and it turned out amazing!! We had NO turkey leftovers. Natalie started walking at the beginning of December, she seemed to catch on really quick and is able to really move fast now. On December 8, Caleb turned 3! We had a combined family party for him and Jason's dad, whose birthday is a couple of days later.

As for the new baby, we are 3 weeks away from the due date of January 6, and she was breech until the day we went in to vert her (externally rotate her to head down!). I think she may have even turned as I sat and waited for the doctor to come in at the hospital...lots of prayer helped with that one! She is a very active child inside, we'll see how that translates into her personality later. And as is the story with all of my pregnancies, my doctor decided to go on vacation (out of the country!) right as I am coming up on my due date. At least this time she will be back before my due date, as long as baby holds out for her until after the 29th.

Well, we are all excited for Christmas and I pray you are too! Let us thank the Lord this season for the most amazing gift of his Son who has given us all life! I am really enjoying teaching Caleb about the Christmas story this year. I would encourage you to look at the "What God Wants for Christmas" nativity set to do with your children if you want a neat way to celebrate the true reason for the season. It is a seven day interactive set (or you could go through the whole thing on Christmas morning) that that tells the Christmas story in a way kids of all ages can understand.

And for some pictures...

Natalie twirling in her Christmas dress.

My handsome man is 3!!

The first steps...

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Terra Stopher Photography