Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh the places I've been...

It has been one of "those" weeks. A week where lots goes wrong and yet I am still alive! It all started when I pulled my external hard drive out of the back office and out to the living room to attempt to back it up onto another hard drive. But of course, tragedy struck and it was knocked off the table and the main motor failed. So here I have ten years of my life in pictures, not backed up, and seemingly lost forever! Since then, I found a place that can recover my data, as long as the head did not scratch the disk too badly. So although it is extremely spendy, I am hopeful to once again have baby pictures of my three children, pictures from my honeymoon, and many moments in between.

I also had my oven spark, catch on fire, and short out. The bright side is that it is time to upgrade to that gas range we've been wanting! The down side is the very unexpected cost and a limited ability to cook. So, my yogurt has been put on hold, as well as many other cooking adventures. I will be back in the swing once our new range arrives in a couple of weeks.

Until then, it is spring cleaning time around our house. I gutted and re-organized the pantry yesterday and plan to attack the upstairs play room this morning. Happy May Day!

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Terra Stopher Photography