I love the feeling of my baby sleeping on my shoulder. It is calming to feel her little breaths, the heaviness of her entire weight entrusted to me, and the look on her angelic little closed-eyed face.
I love the way my son curls up on my lap in the morning. We sit under a blanket together and watch Handy Manny, Micky Mouse Playhouse, and Little Einsteins. I love how he will get up and dance around to the "hot dog" song. And beg me to play it for him again. And again.
I love the evenings we are able to spend as a family. Relaxing in our living room, eating dinner together. I love when my son begs for "both" to put him to bed. We all sing the night night song "Jesus Loves Me" and pray.
Thank you Lord for my family. For they are a few of my favorite things.