What a week it has been! Caleb is finally on the mend, but it was a long road. One night we went through three changes of sheets on our bed (thanks to Caleb coughing so hard he got sick!). I am glad we are through it now. And we are blessed that Natalie stayed healthy! Speaking of Natalie, her front right tooth on the top finally poked through after a couple of weeks of working at it, so now she has three. She got her first taste of rice cereal the other day. I had fun watching her figure out what to do with her tongue and how to open her mouth big and wide for the spoon! I love experiencing all of the "firsts" with my children.
I finished my first knitting project and I think it turned out ok! I made a hat for Natalie.

Caleb participated in his first egg hunt this last weekend. He was so excited, he could hardly wait for the "Go!". He did really well and filled his entire Shrek basket with candy!!
Glad to hear you are all getting better! Hopefully this sick season is over! And I love Natalie's hat!! That's amazing! Great job :)