Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A New Recipe

With all of my pregnancies, no matter which foods turn my stomach, I can usually handle mexican food. Since this pregnancy is no exception, when we went to Baja Fresh the other day I became rather attached to their fresh pico de gallo from the salsa bar. The next day, as I was finishing the last bit that I had brought home in those little plastic containers, the idea came to me that it may be pretty easy to re-create this deliciousness! So yesterday I went to Winco and grabbed 3 pounds of roma tomatoes, 2 large onions, 1 bunch of cilantro and 2 anaheim chilis. When I got home I cut up all of the tomatoes into small chunks, stuck the onions and chilis in the food processor until they were diced pretty small, and chopped up about half of the cilantro. I just started adding...and tasting...adding. I used all of what I had chopped up and added a touch of salt. We had Jason's parent's over for dinner, and when they arrived I was just finishing the 2 quarts (8 cups) of pico de gallo. Jason's mom sarcastically said, "think you have enough pico?" Haha...by the end of the night we only had about 1 cup of the 8 left and had busted through an entire family sized bag of tortilla chips! No one could stop digging in! I thought afterwards that I should have taken some pictures, but the pico was consumed so quickly it just didn't happen! So anyway, I never knew pico could be so simple and taste so good!! This is definately something I will be making a lot this summer as my own romas ripen in my garden....yummm...

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I like to add some minced garlic and a dash of lime juice - it doesn't last long around here either!


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