The past week has been filled with leaving! Amelia was finally able to leave the hospital after 4 nights, and we were glad to come home. She is still on an inhaler several times a day and has some leftover congestion, but seems to be doing much better. The day after we came home from the hospital, the movers came to pack up our house. It was an interesting experience, to say the least. I am thankful that I did not have to pack up the house myself. But apparently, the person who came to estimate how much stuff we had to move underestimated. So it took the movers an extra day and filled much more of their truck than anticipated. Well, they told us they were going to deliver our stuff to the new house on Saturday (originally we were told Monday, then Sunday, and finally Saturday) So we made arrangements to be at the new house by Saturday. I don't know if you have ever traveled with young kinds, but a word to the wise: give yourself LOTS of extra time and get a DVD player (thanks mom & dad for allowing us to use yours!). What would have been a 10 hour drive for just Jason and me turned into over 12 hours with the kids... But we made it! When we were about halfway, we received a call that there was a glitch with the truck arrying our load. The driver was stopped at a weigh station and found to have a problem with his license. So our stuff was being held at the weigh station until a new driver could take over the load! The company was very apologetic and offered to pay the extra nights at a hotel (since we had no beds or anything to stay at the new house) and our meals for the extra couple of days. They promised to fly another driver out (#2 driver in their company) to take over and deliver our stuff to us by Monday. Needless to say, we are so excited to finally move in to our house tomorrow! The extra time has actually been a blessing, as we have had a couple of days to get some of the early work out of the way before the bulk of our stuff comes. We bought a shower curtain and liner for one of the bathrooms, had the locks changed, child-proofed the furnace room and attic access (a small door in an upstairs closet) and put away the few items we had to haul over (propane tanks for the bbq, cleaning chemicals, frozen food etc). Caleb keeps telling us that he loves his "new house" and begged us to stay there tonight instead of the hotel. I think we will all be glad to finally get settled and have some home-cooked meals. So far we really like the city. We have met a couple of our neighbors and they all seems very nice. The weather has been beautiful, in the high 60's today and sunny, but I guess we are supposed to have a few stormy days ahead. Hopefully the rain will hold off until after the movers are done tomorrow! Thanks to all our friends and family who have been praying for us through this time. We have really felt protected and watched over through all of this transition. It is not all easy, and the kids are definately feeling a lack of consistancy, but we can see God's hand in it all.
We knew Mia was feeling a lot better the last morning in the hospital, her smile was back!

Here's the truck that pulled up to move our stuff!
Headed out...
We stopped for Safeway Chinese, and these were our fortunes, a little crazy!
Caleb enjoying our new backyard.
One of the first touches we put on the house, a new shower curtain.
Wow, everything looks great and sounds great! So happy for you guys that God has worked all things out for good for your family! Can't wait to see more pics when you get all moved in!