Friday, June 18, 2010

Proverbs 31:11 - Trust

"The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain." -NAS

"Her husband has full confindence in her and lacks nothing of value." -NIV

As I read through today's verse, I am reminded of the importance of trust in a healthy marriage. In the NAS version, it says, "the heart of her husband trusts in her." The heart is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. It is the center of our being. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." When our heart is involved, we are vulnerable! And in Proverbs 31:11, we learn that our husbands should trust us with his heart. He should trust us with his inner-most being, the part of him that will affect everything he does. If my husband trusts me with his heart, and if his heart affects all he does, then it is of utmost importance that I do all I can to preserve this trust! His success is tied to this trust, as confirmed in the second part of verse 11. "And [he] lacks nothing of value", or "And he will have no lack of gain." When my husband is able to trust me with his heart, he is able to succeed. Likewise, if I am not trustworthy, it will contribute to his inability to succeed. This gives me a sense of my importance, and reminds me of my worth as his help mate! It moves me to ask several questions of myself. What am I doing to earn my husband's trust? How do I behave toward him that encourages this deep trust? Am I doing all I can do to preserve this trust?

Now, what does the Bible say makes us women who are worthy to be trusted? The behaviors and qualities listed in the rest of Proverbs 31. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Prov 31. I love your blog design right now too!

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