Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Park Play Day

The weather has been so beautiful! I decided to take advantage of the sun today and get the kids out of the house. I loaded up the stroller, Caleb's trike and some snacks and off we went! Caleb loved riding aroung the trails at the park, and then had tons of fun climbing on the play structures. He begged me to keep playing even after an hour. Natalie was all smiles until she fell asleep five minutes after arriving! She slept through the rest of the trip.

Today we put Natalie's "big girl" crib together, and she is sleeping in her own room for the first time tonight. So far, so good! We took down the cradle from our room, so there's no going back now. I am amazed at how quickly the time has passed, and can not believe my little girl turned 4 months yesterday. Natalie amazed me with her strength yesterday. She flipped onto her tummy and was able to spin herself around on the carpet nearly 180 degrees! It took her a while, but I just sat back with my camera and watched. Below are a couple of pictures I took right before she spun. I am going to try and put together a collage of the whole thing, but haven't had the time to get it done yet!

1 comment:

  1. She looks so much like Caleb, but also so much like her daddy! Very cute!!!


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