To all of those who I happened to talk to the past day or so, thanks for your prayers! The Lord has been so very faithful to our family! For the rest of you, I will fill in the gaps. We had a little bit of a scare with Natalie, or at least, mommy was quite scared. We had her 4 month check-up with the doctor on Friday, and I asked about a white spot Natalie has in the middle of her pupil (the black part of her eye). The doctor said he definately saw something in her eye and referred us to an opthomologist. I, being of the proactive type, decided to do a little online "research" on eye problems in infancy. The only information I could find was the worst possible scenario of a cancerous tumor. (Lesson learned: A mommy should never "research" medical symptoms on the internet!! It will only create fear and anxiety.) Anyway, the doctor set up our appointment for today. I was terrified that my little baby girl could possibly have cancer! Well, we waited for what seemed an eternity in the lobby (such an evil place for the anxious parent). When we finally saw the eye doctor, he looked with his microscope and almost immediately was able to diagnose the her completely benign condition. (Big sigh of relief from mom!) She has what he called a "persistant pupillary membrane". In other words, when her eye formed, it didn't completely form her pupil correctly and she has a little piece of the iris (colored part) in the middle of her pupil. It will always be there and will not affect her vision. I guess it's kinda like a birth mark on her eye. Praise the Lord for he is good!
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalms 139:13 NIV "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalms 139:14 NIV
And for another story... We had Jason's parents, grandma, sister and her husband over for dinner tonight. We were all sitting at the table eating and Caleb asked for some water. Jason handed him a sippy and he signed "thank you" while drinking. We asked him to say thank you with his mouth. He again signed it. So I tried to help him out. I said "say Thank..." He repeated it. I said "You..." He said "me! Thank Me!" Because of all of the laughter at the table, Caleb knew he had made a funny and just kept saying "Thank Me!" Well, I guess it's a start.
Yikes! I'm glad to hear you got a diagnosis that was a lot less to worry about. Lovin' all the pictures lately.