We went blueberry picking today! It was opening day for the blueberry farm, so there was only one other group of people there picking. I loved having my pick of the crop! I could tell it is just the start of the season and had to hunt a bit, but there were plenty of beautiful, large ripe berries. Caleb is old enough now to actually be of some help, or at least stay out of too much trouble! Last year he was not quite 2 and he just wanted to eat and dump out all of the berries I had picked. In fact, he actually dumped out the entire box of someone else's berries last year! But this year he knows his colors and can mostly refrain himself to just picking the blue ones. He actually filled his little container about halfway before he ate some and the rest spilled. Then he ran around and found sticks and other fun stuff while I finished filling my bowls. In all, we got 12lbs, which is about 8 quarts. Since we use them for muffins, pancakes, and smoothies all winter, I think I will go back and pick some more next week. Maybe on daddy's day off!

Where did you pick and how much were they? The kids really want to pick blueberries. : ) It is nice that they're getting old enough to not just spill and smash everything!